1. This comes from Bassam Zawadi. Is it not strange how he has no clue that Quran actually is from Allah? He is one of the answers to why Islam is in the terrible condition today. Of course, there are more samples like him below.
If we are expected to believe that ALL the Muslims could have corrupted Islam by introducing the Hadith then to maintain consistency we must also conclude that it was very likely for them to have corrupted the Qur'an as well. The Hadith rejecter will respond back by saying that Allah promised to preserve the Qur'an (Surah 15:9) but not the hadith. However, this is circular reasoning. The Hadith rejecter is basically saying "The only evidence that the Qur'an is preserved is that the Qur'an says so." No objective person will take such an answer seriously.2. Two celebrity Muslim scholars, unable to argue against the truth of Allah ends up showing their hate towards Quran by saying it contains contradictions, its message is not clear and that the Prophet could have corrupted it. Notice that the second scholar doesn't even want to accept verses from the Quran as an evidence. source
3. Another forum thread was about discussion about a Quranist blog that condemned polygamy. When discussing it one hadither called Quran only similar to halal pork. See it below. source
Here is another one:
5. The one below is pretty straightforward. Apparently, those who follow Quran only are kaffer.
"Quran clearly says numerous of times we need to emulate from our Prophet. Therefore, Sahih Hadith are there to help us. The only garbage here is Quranism that follows a garbage book with a garbage doctrine of heresy. Sahih Hadith are the words of the Messenger and his exegeses represent the Quran." source
7. Now here is a video about the most hate for Quran.
8. Here is another one from free-minds making fun of Quran. Enlarge it to see how the sectarian used laugh out loud emoticon. He actually got the verse wrong and he is using this to make fun of Quran.
9. The person below asks how one gets guidance from Quran.
10. Another one questions whether Quran is from Allah. As you can see the person is an admin of the forum.
11. Idolatry at best.
- "quran is the work of satan, can you mention the history of the quran?" source
- "sunna and hadits is fabricated by satan, then muhammad is satan" source
- "the funniest thing i've heard is the person who dont believe the sunnah ar rasul muhammad and believe quran only, how stupid they are.." source
- "the real muslim is who believe quran and hadits and the other is who only believe the quran, how illogical they were..." source
- "if you believe that quran is word of god, why quran was the book (write). and how do you know that quran is authentic as well as early generation...and if if you dont believe to quran and what the function of muhammad ?" source
Hadith rejecters usually quote some authentic Hadith and say “it doesn’t seem logical”. Not sure why they use such arguments when they claim to accept Allah is As-Sami (The All Hearer), Al-Basir (The All Seeing), Al-Hakam (The Judge), Al-Adl (The Just), Al-Khabir (The All Aware), Ar-Raqib (The watchfull), Al-Hakim (The Wise) and much more. After proving the authenticity of Hadith to someone, if the person responds with this kind of an argument, then it raises the question whether he/she really believes Allah is All Wise? And If yes, then why do you want a logical response to every instruction in Islam? When we accepted Musa’s (AS) stick turning into a serpent, and we accept Sulaiman (AS) speaking to bird, just because ALLAH SAID SO. Then why this dual policy of rejecting the Hadith ONLY because it does not fit his/her logic? source
14. Bombing of Quran starts here. It is interesting to see the sectarians being aware that their interpretation of the religion is not moral, but they still continue to kill those who want to get out of it.
"I can show you apparent contradictions in the Quran also, which of course you will try to explain away as being out of context, or that other verses elaborate and explain - same story with the Hadith."
"Which Hadith said to kill all dogs? And you talk about dogs, what about killing human beings?
And remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Ye have indeed wronged yourselves by your worship of the calf: So turn (in repentance) to your Maker, and kill yourselves (Sura 2:54)
Not exactly Geneva convention compliant is it? You make a big fuss about killing all dogs (No hadith says to kill all dogs), but there are verses in the Quran which talk about killing people simply for practicing idolatry (don't Hadith-rejecters preach freedom of religion??) And you say that the Hadith talk about killing apostates...what is Sura 2:54 talking about? Killing the apostates from Bani Israel who worshiped the golden calf?? Why the double standards from Hadith-rejecters?"
"Which Hadith tells Muslims to stone monkeys? You totally quoted that out of context (its about monkeys throwing stones at a monkey which committed fornication). And if you say that story is ridiculous, what about the Quran which talks about how Allah transformed Jews into monkeys and pigs? What's harder to believe, that monkeys can throw rocks (they can indeed) or that human beings were transformed into monkeys and pigs? You accuse Hadith of being unscientific, what about Quran??"
"Where's your proof that they were Zoroastrians? Does the Quran teach you to make such serious allegations about people's faith without even a shred of evidence?" source
Have you replied to them?
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O Allah, we are all going one way; We are,all going to die......... HMUU:(