How do Sects and Hadiths Look When Logic is Used

These are some of the stuffs collected from all over the Internet to show how the defense for hadiths and sectarian belief look. Note that no fixing of grammar is done to them by the owner of this blog. Also this post is not meant to make one group feel inferior or anything. This post will go through updates.

Sects must accept they Reject Quran for Hadiths
Allah Himself is declaring that Obey Allah and Obey Messenger are the same thing.

-----"He who obeys the Messenger, has indeed obeyed Allah."   (Al-Nisa-80)

What is "Obedience to Allah"?-----What is "Obedience to the Messenger"?
Are these two different things?---Or---Are they one thing?

Can anyone obey the Messenger without following "The Message"?

Today, the Ummah answers:
Yes, it is possible to obey the Messenger without following "The Message".---How???

They say: "Obedience to the Messenger" is the ahadith.
So, if you follow the ahadith, you obey the Messenger.
And if you have obeyed the Messenger by following the ahadith, you have obeyed Allah.

---"He who obeys the Messenger, has indeed obeyed Allah."   (Al-Nisa-80)---

So, today the Ummah is obeying the Messenger by following the ahadith, which is equal to obeying Allah.

The Ummah have finally got rid of "The Message" that the Messenger brought.

So sad!-----But this is the bitter fact!-----Agree Or disagree! source

Sects Accept Islam is confusing
one cannot understand Qur' need Hadeeth for that, because they are the explanation of Qur'an. OK, fair enough,......

but then comes the next step, one cannot understand Hadeeth (!!!) need Sharh of Hadeeth for that. What's the use of an explanation, if the explanation itself needs explanation?

I can so imagine the next step being:
one cannot understand need a mullah for that

and that would bring you to the Q.E.D. of the depressing state of muslims nowadays. source

Biased Islamic Education in Sects
Despite the Qur'an itself claiming to be a book fully detailed and explained, the proponents of Sunnism tell you that you are not qualified to understand the Qur'an. Sunnis believe that if you have only the Holy Qur'an that you are unable to "Obey the Messenger" as the Qur'an tells us to do time and again. So in essence they are saying that the Qur'an, the direct word of God, is not sufficient for a believer.

It is the main argument against hadith rejection that you cannot "Obey the Messenger" without adhering to the sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh). But if Allah sent Muhammad with the Holy Qur'an wouldn't following the Qur'an mean you were "Obeying the Prophet"? The Qur'an is divinely protected and a message for all mankind. The hadith is neither one.

Allah knows best right?

But according to scholars, the Quran is only fully detailed and explained through Hadith which are interpreted for us by scholars.

So scholars know best.

To become a qualified scholar, one must go through rigorous study/training in the Sunni way of thinking. That means you must understand not only the Arabic of the Qur'an but also the science of hadith and tafsir, schools of thought/fiqh, etc.

That means that if you don't believe in the hadith as a divine source of law equal to the Qur'an you can never be accepted as a credible scholar. This also means that every generation of scholars are learning the exact same things and are only propagating the status quo. To become a great scholar is to agree with and spread the knowledge of the scholars of the previous generations.

Someone who goes against the status quo or brings a new idea is not a scholar but a heretic, hypocrite, disbeliever, or kafr.

Someone who continues to blindly follow the current system is a pious and observant Muslim.

If one group is completely devoted to following the Glorious Qur'an from Allah, why in the WORLD do we have this other group criticizing them, fighting them and questioning their faith? source

Sects must accept that their version of obeying the messenger opens a can of worms
Christians Claims that Quran told Muslims to Obey Jesus and The Bible.

3:32 Say, "Obey Allah and the Messenger."

61:6 And when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah"

43:63 And when Jesus brought clear proofs, he said, "I have come to you with wisdom and to make clear to you some of that over which you differ, so fear Allah and obey me.

2:285 "We make no distinction between any of His messengers."

Please, Just provide a verse from Quran, that forbids Muslims Following the Bible.

Or a verse from Quran that sounded like this; "Jesus Teachings only to Jews".
I need that Verse from Quran! Please Save me!

Allah please provide us a verse from Quran, Save Us Allah ! source

Sects Must Accept the Wife of Prophet Was Misguided
Some of the Hadith iv'e read have even described Our blessed prophet going to the toilet and being intimate with his wives etc. Is this all necessary for us to know, didn't our prophet(PBUH)ever get any privacy. I thought muslim women are supposed to guard their husband's secrets and anything they do intimatley, yet the Prophets wives are narrating things that should be kept secret like for example our Prophet(PBUH) having semen stains on his clothes and how many of his wives he would have sex with in one night.
If our children are taught sex education in schools we get offended yet we let them read the hadith and let them get taught it in mosques.

If Hadith was to become so important to our religion and lives why is it not mentioned in the Quran. There are thousands and thousands of muslims out there who believe in Hadith and most of these muslims like my brother in law believe that the hadith compare to the Quran, So why did God forget to mention in his Quran this very important book that would compare to his book and where are all those authentic hand written statements that should be well preserved and safely guarded. Where are these notes now. The only ones iv'e read are the ones that came 100 years later and had to be edited by scholars, not the Prophet(PBUH) or his followers.

Are Hadith as good as we say, if they are why are muslims all over the world divided in teachings and thoughts. Here in the uk our maulvis can't do eid together or fast together and yet we go to learn from them. All they teach in the mosques here are Hadith so obviously they find that more important than teachings of the Quran. Is'nt it because of the hadith that we have all these different sects of muslims in the first place.
Is this what our beloved Prophet(PBUH) would have wanted from us. Do you think he would have approved of his every movement and detail to be recorded and publicised. Why would the Prophets followers and wives tell people about his personel intimate details. If someone did that to me i would call it backstabbing, And why weren't these details shared out with people while our Prophet(PBUH) was still alive. source

Sects accept the average Muslims have no Right to persue Islam on Their Own
I'm not a scholar or anything, just a plain old Muslim, but this is what I have learned from my elders, and this is what I just told my fellow brother who saw this video. Follow Quran and ahadith, but don;t try to interpret them. Go to the Ulama (scholars) for help on that. But following Quran and Ahadith is a big YES.The Quran is the basis, the base of our deeds. The hadith is the guidelines. We follow the sahih ahadith because they have a reliable chain of narrators. We follow the ahadith because they're the words and actions of our beloved Prophet PBUH who never told a lie.  Source

Sects Accept their God is not powerful
I honestly don't understand what is so hard for hadithers to understand about this. Using hadither logic God can't be all-powerful if he can't even write a book that can't be understood without man-made sources. Jews and Christians seem to have the same problems, relying too much on external texts rather than the direct source(I know of a Karaite Jew, he has the exact same concerns I do, but about Judaism). So yea, simple logic: If God is all-powerful then he can write a book that can be understood by all of humanity.  source

 If you claim to be a Muslim but refuse to accept...

that raping prisoners of war is not acceptable
that marrying of girls as young as nine is wrong and depraved
that killing so called sorcerers is wrong
that killing blasphemers is wrong
that killing adulterers by pelting them with stones is cruel and barbaric

...then you may find yourself being accused of apostasy by the Traditionalist Muslim majority.. a crime which in itself is deemed worthy of death in the world they inhabit". source


A person will hate followers of other RELIGIONS.

A person will think his/her SECT IS ON THE STRAIGHT PATH.

A person will hate followers of other SECTS.

A person will hate WOMEN.

A person will hate DOGS.

A person will hate PICTURES AND STATUES.

A person will hate MUSIC, TELEVISION and CINEMAS.

A person will hate CLEAN SHAVE men without HEARD COVERING.

A person will hate women without HIJAB, NIQAB, SCARF, BURKA AND VEIL.

A person will FORCE OTHERS to follow his/her Sect understanding.

A person will FORCE CHILDREN to follow his/her Sect understanding.

A person will COMMEMORATE PROPHET MUHAMMAD more than Allah.

A person will BLINDLY FOLLOW his/her Imam/Mullah.

A person will DESIRE TO BECOME A MARTYR to get the pleasures of Paradise.

A person will show the signs of a BIPOLAR DISORDER PATIENT.

A person will finally BECOME A TERRORIST.


Believing in Man Made Hadith is like taking heavy drugs;

1- Stage you become stupid.
2- Stage you become rightous.
3- Stage you become violent.

All Muslim terrorists come from the ripe field of Man Made Hadith believers. source

So you are saying if i dont believe in this kind of verse im not a muslim?

Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 537: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease."

(Bukhari Kitabul Ilm vol.2, hadith 77). Mahmood bin Rabe narrates, “I still remember when I was five years old, the Holy Prophet rinsed his mouth and then spat the water into mine” Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 6: Narrated Anas: The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one night, and he had nine wives.

(Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:52) The Prophet said that the best man amongst his followers is the onewho has the greatest number of wives.

(Bukhari 2:134) The sun rises between the two antlers of Satan.

(Bukhari, Book of Sales and Book of Nikah 3:59) After the fall of Khyber, people described the beauty of Safia BintHui, the new bride of a slain enemy soldier. The Prophet chose her for himself. On the way to Madina he stopped and had intercourse with her. His companions did not know if she was a wife or a concubine. Later, a veil was drawn between her and the men-folk and they came to know that she was a wife.

(Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:60). The Prophet said, “Bad luck, misfortune and doom can exist in a wife, a home and a horse”

(Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:61) After my time, the greatest tribulation for men will be women”

(Bukhari Kitabul Mahrabain and Kitabut Tib p.254) Some people got sick in Madina. The Prophet advised them to drink camel's urine and milk. After they became well, they killed a shepherd. The Prophet ordered that their hands and feet be chopped off and their eyes gouged out. They were laid on burning sand. When they asked for water it was denied them. So much so that they tasted sand until they died.

(Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:245) Five animals are sinful, so kill them even in Makkah: rat, scorpion, eagle, crow, and a biting dog.

(Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:247) The Prophet ordered the killing of dogs

(Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:251). Woman was created from the rib so she will always remain crooked. Leave her crooked

(Bukhari 2:261) Umro bin Maimoon reported, “I saw a monkey surrounded by a swarm of other monkeys. He had committed adultery with a female monkey. So, all monkeys stoned him to death. I cast stones, too.”

Or should i believe in this

[The Quran 45:6] These are GOD’s revelations that we recite to you truthfully. In which Hadith other than GOD and His revelations do they believe?

[The Quran 31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless Hadith, and thus divert others from the path of GOD without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution.

[The Quran 6:114] Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.

[The Quran 6:115] The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.

[The Quran 12:111] In their history, there is a lesson for those who possess intelligence. This is not fabricated Hadith; this (Quran) confirms all previous scriptures, provides the details of everything, and is a beacon and mercy for those who believe."source

Sects Accept the Entire Career of Bukhari is devoted to lies
Bukhari collected hadith 230 years after the Prophet Muhammad. Let's assume (in other words, let's swallow the lies of his public relations managers) that he could memorize like my digital voice recorder. So what? As long as all those hearsay reporters before Bukhari were not digital voice recorders like Bukhari then all we can say about that "inhuman" digital voice recorder called Bukhari is the following: He has memorized perfectly a great deal of hearsay, stupid stories and lies. Good for him!

Edip" source

Sects Accept one can sin as much as he wants
"Erase 2500 Sins A Day in Less than 15 Minutes

When you go to bed, glorify Him and praise Him and magnify Him one hundred times: that will be one hundred on the tongue and a thousand in the scales. Who among you does two thousand and five hundred sayi’aat (bad deeds) in one day?’ They said: ‘How could we not count (our sins)?’ He said: ‘The Shaytaan comes to any one of you whilst he is praying and says, Remember this, remember that, until he finishes his prayer and does not do (this dhikr), or he comes to him when he is lying down and makes him sleepy, until he falls asleep (without doing this dhikr).’” (Abu ‘Eesaa said: This is a hasan saheeh hadeeth. Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 3332).
Points of Benefit
Oh give me a ******* break! How idiotic is it to believe that by committing 2500 sins in less than 15 minutes (srsly who the hell does that anyway?) you can be forgiven by saying "praise God" 2500 times? Ok...I didn't think the sunni religion was THIS easy...

If I was bad enough, I'll:

1. Commit adultery with 237 women

2. Steal 53 cars, 24 tv sets and 12 ipods

3. Murder 697 people

4. Beat my wife 421 times

5. Burn 1,056 houses down

All in less than 15 minutes.

For the next 15 minutes I will say "praise god" 2500 times.

Problem solved! Starting off with a clean slate." source

Which sect the Prophet followed?
"Was Prophet Muhammad a Sunni or a Shia? Did he follow Bukhari or Kitab Al-Kafi? The undeniable truth is he followed Quran alone, the message revealed to him by our Creator! If he saw the mess you both made of his message, very shortly after his death... He would likely kick both your a$$e$ for your nonsense. Could it be that the war you wage on each other is a curse from God for your abandonment of the Quran? You'll never admit it but you're both following a fake, man-made religion!" source

The difference between the Quranists and Sectarians
"There is a perception by Muslims that the Quran can be understood in its entirety. This is impossible. There is no person in the world that can understand the Quran in its entirety. The Quran says so itself. The difference between Quranist and Sunnis is that Quranist know their limitations. The Quran tells us that all we need to know is there but the Quran has its secrets. Some of them are made as baits to see what spin people try to use to distort its teachings.

The bottom line is, as a Quranist my interpretation of the Quran is based on the actual reading of the Quran while Sunnis and Shias follow stories and narrations and most of their deen is not Quranic. A Quranist may not bother eating with his right hand or making 7 tawwaf, but for a Sunni or Shia its very important. The fact that its very impoprtant for them but it is not something you can actual read in the Quran says a lot about the place the Quran has with these sects. Which is not much. The reality is 90% of the teachings of these sects is not Quranic. They say the Quran is the first source, yet rarely does the first source agree with what they say.

No Quranist can accept abrogation since this means that there are verses in the Quran that are useless and have no value. Then what its doing there? This is something thats unacceptable for a Quranist and its a way once again to marginalize the Quran.

Lastly a Quranist has different approaches to the deen. A Quranist will see the rituals as a means to an end while the sects see the rituals as an end by itself. The Quranist will see universality in faith in God while the sects see faith as sectarian. A Quranist will believe in freedom while the sects believe in religious dictatorship. The Quranist believe his job is to invite while the sects believe their job is to enforce and by violence if necessary. The Quranist will see prophet Muhammad as a prophet and messenger while the sects see him as the message itself. A Quranist see the Quran as a book of guidance while the sects see it as a book of reference and ritual. A Quranist believes that God is seperate from human while the sects see God as connected to human through the prophet Muhammad. The Quranist sees the prophet Muhammad as a human being who has the authority of a human being while the sects see him as a human with the authority of God.

I think the biggest difference is the concept of freedom and individuality. The Quranist believe every man is responsible for his own salvation and the Quran is his guide, while the sects believe the community and state and clerics are responsible for man's salvation and the Quran must not be approached by man on his own.

Big difference and its hard to see how these differences can be reconciled but its also hard to see how someone can claim he is following the Quran and the Sunnah. One has to win over the other since they are mutually exclusive. For the Quranist the Quran is final while for the sects the Sunnah is final.

Either the prophet had a split personality or this Sunnah is not his. There is no third option. The Quranist and the sects can never ever get along. The Quranist believe in freedom but the sects are dictatorial. It might lead to an ugly confrontation, but the Quranits will be ready. We will never abandon the Quran.

Quran is peace!" source

Sects Accept they Must Lie Against the Prophet and Allah to keep their hadiths
For Sunnis, here is the missing verse:

“And we have given you (O, Muhammad) your Sunna, that with it you may explain the verses that are already clear (2:118, 3:7, 4:176, 6:55, 6:105, 6:126, 9:11, 11:1, 29:49), so that Muslims will not have to study the Qur’an again, though We said that they should in 2:44, 2:121, 4:82 and 3:79, that you may admonish those who interpret it themselves, though we gave them such a right in 5:42, 23:68, 34:46, 38:29 and 67:10, that they may claim to be illiterate in Arabic, though it is clear Arabic tongue (12:2, 13:37, 14:4, 16:103, 19:97, 26:195, 41:3, 41:44, 42:7, 43:3, 46:12), that you may admonish those who take the Message as a complete guidance, though We said that it was in 2:159, 4:174-175, 5:16, 7:52, 10:57, 17:9, 17:89, 18:54, 28:49, 34:6 and 42:52, or a distinct explanation of all things as We ordained in 7:145, 12:111, 25:33 and 44:4; that they may record your ahadith for everything, although they may not believe in any hadith besides this (45:6), for who is truer in hadith than Allah (4:87)? That you and others may be taken as Lord, against 3:79, that you may alter the Message though it contains the same system We revealed to other Prophets (4:26, 42:13), although Allah does not change His Sunna (17:77, 35:43, 48:23), that you may render it incomplete, though We completed it (5:3, 6:115), that you may not judge by the Book as We revealed in 2:176, 4:105, 5:44, 5:48 and 6:114, that you may impose on them teachings We told them to disbelieve (2:23, 11:13, 52:34), that you may prohibit what Allah has not prohibited (5:87, 6:145-146, 7:32) that you may be more than a plain warner, though your only duty is to give a plain warning (5:62, 5:99, 6:19, 6:51, 7:2, 7:184, 16:35, 18:27, 19:97, 20:113, 24:54, 35:23, 38:70, 42:7), that you may follow a path other than the right one (2:170, 6:50, 6:106, 6:126, 6:153-6:157, 7:3, 7:203, 19:36, 25:56-57, 34:6) that they may accept religion based on their opinions of people (10:35-37), believing in Abu Huraira as well as what we ordained in 4:136, and justify it with obvious distortions (47:30) and flowery, frivolous ahadith (6:112, 31:6), that they may worship as the Jahiliyyah (English: barbarity) (43:21-22), that they may play the majority game (6:116, 12:106) and deny (6:23). Indeed, Allah is Knowing, Wise.” (9:130)

Sects Must Accept They have Created their own kind of trinity
I find it funny when people call Qur'an only Islam a Christianized form of Islam. I look at the hadith followers as following a Judeo-Christianized form of Islam. The Qur'an teaches nothing about a Mahdi, Anti-Christ (Dajjal) nor the return of Isa (pbuh) but the hadith followers foolishly believe such things as do the Christians and the Jews. This is called "Messiahism" and was invented by the Jews for world domination. The Jews want thier Messiah, and so do the foolish Christians and Sunni/Shia Muslims. The way the Jews will benefit from these Messiah doctrines and get their Messiah is by the Christians and Muslims killing off one another in the name of their Messiah (the Christian's Messiah will be the Muslim's Dajjal and the Muslim's Messiah will be the Christian's Anti-Christ). Much blood will be spilled over who's Messiah is the true Messiah in which then the victor will ultimately become the Jew's Messiah and will work for them, while appeaing to be working in favor of the Christians or Muslims. Perfect plan these scum Zionist made to infiltrate the minds of billions and mislead them away from the straight path in which Allah alone is sovereign."

Also, the Qur'an is very clear that the only Sunnah to be followed is the Sunnah of Allah. Would you argue against Allah's example being the best example? To try and replicate every move that the Prophet (pbuh) did is in itself idoltary. If I try to mimick everything a celebrety does, the way they dress, the way they talk, have I not made them my idol? What, will you say "but this is the Prophet (pbuh) of Allah, not a celebrety"? But does not the Qur'an say that though Muhammad (pbuh) was a prophet, he was still a normal human man like you and I? Why then do you exalt him higher than what the Qur'an claims of him by replicating his actions, which is a form of worship, which is ultimately shirk? To make it worse, the hadiths are SUPPOSED sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) which were compiled many years later. For all you know, the hadiths could all be completely fabricated in which then you are following a created character of the Prophet (pbuh) instead of the true Prophet (pbuh) which would really be shirk.

What these two doctines basically are (Messiahism and the supposed "Sunnah of the Prophet") are personality cults. You have taken a personality (a human being) and made them flawless and have given them authority. This is shirk. Personality cults are completely just about man-made power and control. It is not any different than the secular personality cults of Stalin, Mao, and even the United States President with America's idea of "patriotism". It is blind submission to an authority other than Allah, which is shirk. It matters not if it were Musa (pbuh), Isa (pbuh), Muhammad (pbuh), Stalin, Hitler, Mao, or Barack Obama; to create and follow a way of life that is centered around a personality (a human being) and their actions is a personality cult and is shirk. The Qur'an could not be any clearer on this subject that Allah alone is soveriegn. source

Sects Accept Hadiths approve dictatorship which violates the Quranic democratic values 
6392. Ibn Abi Mulayka related that 'Uqba ibn al-Harith said, "An-Nu'man, or the son of an-Nu'man, was brought on account of drinking and the Prophet,may Allah bless him and grant him peace, commanded that they beat him in the house. They beat him, and I was one of those who beat him with sandals."

6393. 'Abdullah ibn Abi Mulayka related from 'Uqba ibn al-Harith that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was brought Nu'aym or the son of Nu'aym who was drunk. That was hard on him and he commanded those in the house to beat him. They beat him with stalks and sandals. I was one of those who beat him."

6399. Abu Salama related that Abu Hurayra said, "The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was brought a man who was drunk and ordered that he be beaten. Some of us beat him with their hands, some beat him with their sandals, and some beat him with their garments. When he left, a man said, 'What is the matter with him? May Allah disgrace him!' The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Do not help Shaytan against your brother.'"

These are just a few collection of hadiths that gives authority to Islamic states to interfere on people's lives for trivial things like alcohol. The idea here is to elevate the prophet's authority beyond what the Quran allowed him and then to transfer that authority to the Muslim ruler. Now the state has the authority to spy on people and create a religious police state. I have quoted in second post how the Quran repeatedly ordered the prophet to limit his job to preaching and to leave the cosequence to God. Only when somebody else's right is violted was he allowed to interfere. Sins are God's domain, not man. What the sects did was to make sins a crime to be punished by law. They created a theocracy that can compete with the Byzantinian and their Christian theocracy.

A good example is this hadith:

Question 1: Ibn ‘Umar related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, “I have been ordered to fight the people until they testify that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer and pay the zakah. If they do that, their blood and wealth are protected from me save by the rights of Islam. Their reckoning will be with Allah.” (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)”

"I have been ordered to fight the people until they testify that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah"

This hadith violates more than 30 verses of the Quran. This hadith set up the justification for the so called Islamic conquest. It moved from the defensive war sanctioned by the Quran to the offensive war.

The Quran states:

As for such who do not fight you on account of faith, or drive you forth from your homelands, God does not forbid you to show them kindness and to deal with them with equity, for God loves those who act equitably. God only forbids you to turn in friendship towards such as fight against you because of faith and drive you forth from your homelands or aid in driving you forth. As for those from among you who turn towards them for alliance, it is they who are wrongdoers. 60:8-9

It also says:

Permission (to fight) is given to those against whom war is being wrongfully waged, and verily, God has indeed the power to aid them. Those who have been driven from their homelands in defiance of right for no other reason than their saying, ‘Our Lord is God.’ 22:39-40

The Quran here ony allowed defensive war while the hadith gave us offensive war. The prophet's role moved from preaching to a warrior. To inviting and warning to forcing and threatening. Two completely different Islams. There are of course many differences including treatment of prsioners of war and women and religious minorities. source

Sects accept the Prophet Did Things Against Quran
If i'm not mistaken, the hadiths were sayings of the prophet and that they were recorded by following a chain of oral narration.By saying that the sahaba present with the prophet could not make a mistake indirectly points states they were above humanity and somewhat divine. They were human beings who had the honour of being present at the birth of Islam and they died like everyone else did. If the hadiths are meant to be made a part of Islam than followers would have to accept the prophet was a paedophile and ordered the rape of pows. These so called hadiths are in direct violation of the Quran.  The word of God is the only word meant understanding. By going for the hadith, muslims insult the prophet and decline him the dignity he deserves. He's been called a paedophile, a rapist, some sort of perverted porn star and indirectly divine. People should let the poor man be. He's done his job." source

Sects must accept that they are not different from those they say will go to hell
What's the difference between the average jew, christian or sunni?
Each one grew up in a very religious family and followed their parents/people fully.
They copied all the religious practices (beard, prayers, dress code, etc).
But just like their parents, none of them really cared to read the book they blindly believed in.

Every sunni will tell you that the sunni, who prayed 5 times a day, grew a beard, did fast one month every year, went to mecca etc. will go to heaven.
The other two go to hell.
Although they all did the same; they all followed their parents/people. Never questioned their religion. BUT, the sunni is lucky he grew up in a sunni family.
Because if he'd grown up in a jewish family, he would also have done exactly the same (follow his parents and not care to read).

But if the sunni really believes this is true, then he also says that god is unjust.
Because according to him then, almost all the people that were born in the arab world are admitted into heaven solely based on that fact.
That they grew up in a sunni family. And the rest of the world, well too bad for them. They should've bothered to pick up the quran and read it.
Although the sunni himself has never read it.

So to answer my own question; what is the difference between the three?
Nothing! There is no difference. They are all blind followers (2:166-167). A flock of sheep (25:44).
Not one of the three did anything more than the other.

That's why encourage all my friends, every person I have a discussion with... to read.
Forget everything you're taught and start afresh.
This is not a matter you should take lightly and something you should leave up to others.
Start reading for yourself. Study and draw your own conclusions for once. source