Some Questions for Hadith Supporters

A combat kit against Quranists was being circulated by sectarian scholars to prevent themselves from becoming unemployed. The kit was to be used by those who are not permitted to know much about their own religon/deen. It contains a bunch of questions which show how fraud these scholars are! They have all been answered several times despite the fact that it wasn't necessary at all because of the satanic formula used by Hadithers to throw away the Quran.

Now we don't want to play the game of deception. If you truly want us to believe in hadiths please give us answers to the questions we have below: But before that do remember this verse:
Do not accept anything that you have no knowledge of. Surely the hearing, the sight and the mind you are responsible for." (Quran, 17:36)

These questions are based on the in depth study of science of hadiths, their owners, narrators and the collections.

1. How do you connect the following: obeying the messenger = obeying bukhari's hadith books by using Quran? Could you show one ayah from the Quran saying BELIEVE in the HADITH other than the QURAN or the HADITH of BUKHARI and CO?

2. None of you agree with all the hadiths. None of you can practice what every hadith says and this has impact on your morals. There are people among you who believe all nonMuslims should be forced to become Muslim  and that democracy is shirk. Other sectarians disagree. Keeping this in mind, do you agree that your version of Islam is based on cherry picking driven by moral relativism?

3. If hadiths are supposed to explain the Quran, why did they leave out the scientific facts found in its verses which later nonMuslims had to show to Muslims?

4. If hadiths are supposed to explain Quran why did they leave out  the following Surahs: 23, 27, 29, 35, 51, 57, 58, 64, 67, 69, 70, 73, 76, 81, 82, 86, 88, 89, 90, 94, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, and 109?

5. If hadiths are supposed to explain the Quran why are you still upgrading the words to reflect the current understanding?

6. If hadiths are supposed to explain the Quran why do they need their separate explanations also? Refer to hadith commentary books.

7. If hadiths are supposed to explain the Quran why do you have gazillion tafseer books?

8. You say only someone with a high degree in Arabic can understand Quran. You don't want to accept anything from someone who doesn't know much Arabic. Then why do you accept the Persian Bukhari who did not just make incorrect explanation of the verses, but also included those nowhere to be found in the Quran?

9. How many people went on tour with Mr Bukhari to collect hadiths? Not known? Move to next question.

10. It is claimed that Bukhari traveled to places also to collect hadiths. Who went to verify he did so by meeting the same people from whom he collected the hadiths?

11. Where in Quran Sunnah of Prophet is mentioned?

12. Hadiths say "kill exMuslims". Does this mean in order to stay alive they should "pretend" to be Muslim? Isn't this forcing of deception?

13. Does Allah say that we must believe in the messenger and follow hadith in which so many sayings are fabricated?

14. Science of hadith talks about investigating narrators' truthfulness. What tools did they use to analyze the truthfulness of people died hundred years ago?

15. Can you use support from Quran that Shafi was right when he said hikmah means sunnah? Unfortunately, he did't do it in his own writing.

16. Do you really believe that pious people like sahabas discussed and even scattered around stories of Prophet Muhammad's sex life and bathroom activities?

17. Do you really believe Prophet's wife Aisha talked about her intimate moments with a bunch of men and women?

18. What would be your reaction if you come to know that your wife was spreading those exact things about you?

19. Why the great narrator of 2000 hadiths is called Abu Hurairah (father of the kitty)  throughout the hadith books instead of Abd al-Rahman which happens to be his Islamic name?

20. What is the definition of sahih according to Bukhari?

21. Who sponsored hadith collection tour of Mr Bukhari?

22. Do you consider prophet Ibrahim to be Muslim? If yes did he say "There is one God and Muhammad is his messenger? In that sense, who was Ibhrahim to you? (Don't bring up the idiotic hadith about it, bring Quranic proof).

23. You claim that sahabas wrote down the hadiths. Why didn't they do the same for Quran several times like this?

24. Can you prove Chinese whisper gives correct stories? Do you have a research paper to support your answer?

25. Why do you reject St Paul, but accept St Bukhari?

26. If Bukhari was so reliable and pious why did he have to throw away his money just to make sure no one thought of him as the thief? Don't you think an honest man who works for the well being of his religion does not need to worry about proving his innocence? See below:

“O ignorant one,” Imam Bukhaaree said, “Do you not know that I have spent my entire life gathering the Ahadeeth of the Messenger (Sallalaahu alaihi wa Sallam) and that the world now acknowledges my trustworthiness. Would it then have been befitting for me to subject myself to the accusation of theft? And shall I lose the precious pearl (i.e my knowledge and achievements as a scholar) that I have earned over a lifetime over a limited number of dinars?”

27. Why is it that even after the monster fame of Bukhari, your sahian and Arabian prodigies can't even figure out whether he was married and had children?

28. Out of 600,000, only 6,000 were seen as authentic by Bukhari. Does this mean the early Muslims all followed a huge amount of false hadiths? Note that similar numbers came from the other "authentic" hadith writers also.

29. Can you swear that all hadiths found in the books are correct? If not why do you tell others to accept them?

30. You say you only accept hadiths that do not contradict the Quran. Why then you don't remove the contradicting hadiths and condemn those who use them in legislation?

31. You say you only accept hadiths that do not contradict the Quran. In other words, you accept hadiths which parrot the Quran. How is that useful to a Muslim and deen exactly?

32.When one is asked ‘Obey your teacher’, does it mean once will have to obey that person in regards to her/his other activities like cooking, sleeping, etc as well or is the command exclusively for the subject of teaching?

33. Do you believe that such “scholars” have been inspired by GOD in order to filter out the “sahih” ahadith from the fake?

34. Why do you always quote verse 33:21 in order to justify following the Prophet’s “sunnah” while ignoring verses 60:4-6 where Abraham and his followers are said to have been a good example as well in exactly the same words , i.e. ‘uswattun hasna’?

35. Why, according to your opinion, GOD did not mention ‘Muhammadurrasoolullah’ together with ‘La ilaaha ilallah’ a single time in the Quran, not even in sura Muhammad verse 19 where too only
‘La ilaaha ilallah’ is mentioned?

36. You say salaat is one of the pillars of Islam. You boast that you get yours from the Prophet and that anyone who doesn't pray like him as shown in hadiths is a kaffir. Keeping this as the formula, tell us why there is not a single hadith giving full steps of the salaat ? Why is it that your prayer is extracted from all 6 books instead of 1 and even after this, why is it that none of you pray in the same manner?

37. Which of the following methods of prayers is correct?
Hanafi method of prayer.
Maliki method of prayer.
Shaf’i method of prayer.
Hanbali method of prayer.
Ibadi method of prayer.
Thahiri method of prayer.
Ja`fari method of prayer
Zaydi  method of prayer.
Salafi method of prayer.

38. Bukhari came around 230 years after the prophet passed. How did the Muslims practice Islam about 10 years before Bukhari collected them? How did people perform salaat before the hadith books showed up?

39. Would you do a standardized exam by reading its prep book containing contradicting statements?

40. You guys claim that even as a child Bukhari did not have to write down hadiths. He would just go to school and listen to the narrations while other children wrote them down in their books. Bukhari, just by using his brain power helped them correct them. Apparently, they had 15000 hadiths. Similarly, he memorized the Quran. In his book, it is mentioned that the Prophet often forgot the Quran verses. Does this mean when it comes to Islam, Allah favors Bukhari over the Prophet?

41.Which Hadith collections are more authentic? Shia or Sunni? Why one and why not the other?

42. How many Books did Allah reveal through the blessed Messenger? Two, three or ONE. Why One?

43. Where does Allah call the deeds and sayings of the Nabi "Zikr?" How many versions of this zikr we are dealing with?

44. You say we received the Quran just like hadiths. Its the same transmitters. Then why are hadiths graded as Authentic, semi-authentic, weak, fabricated, etc and not the Quran?

45. Read the following verse and then answer this question from Allah: Is Quran not sufficient for you?

Is it not (YAKFI) sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book (the Qur'an), which is recited to them? Verily, herein is a mercy and a reminder (or an admonition) for a people who believe. 29:51

46. Why call a religious book Sahih al-Bukhari or Jami` at-Tirmidhi instead of Sahih Traditions of Muhammad if the hadiths came from Prophet Muhammad?

47. If majority of the women will be in hell because of their disobedience to husbands should men marry at all?

48. Men commit the highest number of crimes in the world. It has been consistent throughout the centuries. Why, in your view, that is nothing compared to disobedience to husbands?

49. Allah proves that he is protecting the Quran through its Binary Symmetric structure and by giving Muslims the power to memorize the entire book. What such proof do you have that he is protecting hadiths also?

50. Why do you claim that Quran can be interpreted in any way possible if you are truly sure you have got everything figured out?

51. How did Bukhari hear 600,000 hadiths from 1,000 men when his admirer and teacher Ibn Hanbal with whom he worked knew millions of hadiths which he tried to even live passionately and almost got him prophethood?

52. Do classical Arabic dictionaries contain made up words? How did Arabs communicate before those books were written and when hadiths were banned (that is in your hadith)?

53. Where are the original manuscripts of Bukhari showing the application of hadith science in his work?

54. Bukhari's collected hadiths were preserved, but why was his first biography allowed to be lost?

55. Shafi was known as the architect of Islam, meaning he was such an important person. Then why very little is known about his earlier days and why his first biography is also lost?

40 more questions from another brother