Some Quranists fell in the trap of sectarian deception known as Quranist sect. This post should help you understand why that thing is a misconception.
A person who supports hadiths is called a hadither. Does that mean hadither is a sect? No, it is not. There are people who call themselves progressive Muslims. Is that a sect? No, it is not. In the same way, Quranist is someone who supports the use of Quran only in Islam. There is nothing more than that.
Secondly, sect is nicely defined in the Quran. It does not match what we do. Let's look at the evidence.
And they did not become divided until after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves. And if not for a word that preceded from your Lord [postponing the penalty] until a specified time, it would have been concluded between them. And indeed, those who were granted inheritance of the Scripture after them are, concerning it, in disquieting doubt. 42:14
Criteria #1: Having doubt about God's scripture.
But the people divided their religion among them into sects - each faction, in what it has, rejoicing.So leave them in their confusion for a time.23:51-54
Criteria #2: Confusion about the original religion.
Say, "He is the [one] Able to send upon you affliction from above you or from beneath your feet or to confuse you [so you become] sects and make you taste the violence of one another." Look how We diversify the signs that they might understand.But your people have denied it while it is the truth. Say, "I am not over you a manager." 6:65-66
Criteria #3: Not accepting the truth of Allah.
What we get from these verses is that people become sectarian because they doubt the scripture. The opposite is true about those who follow Quran only. They do not doubt it. The second point we get is that sectarians do not adhere to original religion. Sectarians have a need for hadiths. They cannot imagine Islam without it. The truth is that hadiths have changed the original Islam. Lastly, sectarians use violence on one another. This is the result of not adhering to truth of Allah.
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