Democracy in Quran

Humans are all equal
And those who have responded to their lord and established prayer and whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves, and from what We have provided them, they spend. 42:38
You can't force laws on others without their consent

O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah , even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort or refuse, then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted.4:135

And O my people, give full measure and weight in justice and do not deprive the people of their due and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption.11:85

Sahih Fabrication Mentioned in the Quran

Traditionalists often boast about how hadiths are older than Bukhari and friends. Some even point out that they were being circulated even when Prophet Muhammad was alive. Believe it or not, Quran confirms it, but with a twist. Just see it below:

How do Sects and Hadiths Look When Logic is Used

These are some of the stuffs collected from all over the Internet to show how the defense for hadiths and sectarian belief look. Note that no fixing of grammar is done to them by the owner of this blog. Also this post is not meant to make one group feel inferior or anything. This post will go through updates.

Sects must accept they Reject Quran for Hadiths
Allah Himself is declaring that Obey Allah and Obey Messenger are the same thing.

-----"He who obeys the Messenger, has indeed obeyed Allah."   (Al-Nisa-80)

What is "Obedience to Allah"?-----What is "Obedience to the Messenger"?
Are these two different things?---Or---Are they one thing?

Can anyone obey the Messenger without following "The Message"?

Today, the Ummah answers:
Yes, it is possible to obey the Messenger without following "The Message".---How???

They say: "Obedience to the Messenger" is the ahadith.
So, if you follow the ahadith, you obey the Messenger.
And if you have obeyed the Messenger by following the ahadith, you have obeyed Allah.

---"He who obeys the Messenger, has indeed obeyed Allah."   (Al-Nisa-80)---

So, today the Ummah is obeying the Messenger by following the ahadith, which is equal to obeying Allah.

The Ummah have finally got rid of "The Message" that the Messenger brought.

So sad!-----But this is the bitter fact!-----Agree Or disagree! source

Sects Accept Islam is confusing
one cannot understand Qur' need Hadeeth for that, because they are the explanation of Qur'an. OK, fair enough,......

but then comes the next step, one cannot understand Hadeeth (!!!) need Sharh of Hadeeth for that. What's the use of an explanation, if the explanation itself needs explanation?

I can so imagine the next step being:
one cannot understand need a mullah for that

and that would bring you to the Q.E.D. of the depressing state of muslims nowadays. source

Biased Islamic Education in Sects
Despite the Qur'an itself claiming to be a book fully detailed and explained, the proponents of Sunnism tell you that you are not qualified to understand the Qur'an. Sunnis believe that if you have only the Holy Qur'an that you are unable to "Obey the Messenger" as the Qur'an tells us to do time and again. So in essence they are saying that the Qur'an, the direct word of God, is not sufficient for a believer.

It is the main argument against hadith rejection that you cannot "Obey the Messenger" without adhering to the sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh). But if Allah sent Muhammad with the Holy Qur'an wouldn't following the Qur'an mean you were "Obeying the Prophet"? The Qur'an is divinely protected and a message for all mankind. The hadith is neither one.

Allah knows best right?

But according to scholars, the Quran is only fully detailed and explained through Hadith which are interpreted for us by scholars.

So scholars know best.

To become a qualified scholar, one must go through rigorous study/training in the Sunni way of thinking. That means you must understand not only the Arabic of the Qur'an but also the science of hadith and tafsir, schools of thought/fiqh, etc.

That means that if you don't believe in the hadith as a divine source of law equal to the Qur'an you can never be accepted as a credible scholar. This also means that every generation of scholars are learning the exact same things and are only propagating the status quo. To become a great scholar is to agree with and spread the knowledge of the scholars of the previous generations.

Someone who goes against the status quo or brings a new idea is not a scholar but a heretic, hypocrite, disbeliever, or kafr.

Someone who continues to blindly follow the current system is a pious and observant Muslim.

If one group is completely devoted to following the Glorious Qur'an from Allah, why in the WORLD do we have this other group criticizing them, fighting them and questioning their faith? source

Sects must accept that their version of obeying the messenger opens a can of worms
Christians Claims that Quran told Muslims to Obey Jesus and The Bible.

3:32 Say, "Obey Allah and the Messenger."

61:6 And when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah"

43:63 And when Jesus brought clear proofs, he said, "I have come to you with wisdom and to make clear to you some of that over which you differ, so fear Allah and obey me.

2:285 "We make no distinction between any of His messengers."

Please, Just provide a verse from Quran, that forbids Muslims Following the Bible.

Or a verse from Quran that sounded like this; "Jesus Teachings only to Jews".
I need that Verse from Quran! Please Save me!

Allah please provide us a verse from Quran, Save Us Allah ! source

Sects Must Accept the Wife of Prophet Was Misguided
Some of the Hadith iv'e read have even described Our blessed prophet going to the toilet and being intimate with his wives etc. Is this all necessary for us to know, didn't our prophet(PBUH)ever get any privacy. I thought muslim women are supposed to guard their husband's secrets and anything they do intimatley, yet the Prophets wives are narrating things that should be kept secret like for example our Prophet(PBUH) having semen stains on his clothes and how many of his wives he would have sex with in one night.
If our children are taught sex education in schools we get offended yet we let them read the hadith and let them get taught it in mosques.

If Hadith was to become so important to our religion and lives why is it not mentioned in the Quran. There are thousands and thousands of muslims out there who believe in Hadith and most of these muslims like my brother in law believe that the hadith compare to the Quran, So why did God forget to mention in his Quran this very important book that would compare to his book and where are all those authentic hand written statements that should be well preserved and safely guarded. Where are these notes now. The only ones iv'e read are the ones that came 100 years later and had to be edited by scholars, not the Prophet(PBUH) or his followers.

Are Hadith as good as we say, if they are why are muslims all over the world divided in teachings and thoughts. Here in the uk our maulvis can't do eid together or fast together and yet we go to learn from them. All they teach in the mosques here are Hadith so obviously they find that more important than teachings of the Quran. Is'nt it because of the hadith that we have all these different sects of muslims in the first place.
Is this what our beloved Prophet(PBUH) would have wanted from us. Do you think he would have approved of his every movement and detail to be recorded and publicised. Why would the Prophets followers and wives tell people about his personel intimate details. If someone did that to me i would call it backstabbing, And why weren't these details shared out with people while our Prophet(PBUH) was still alive. source

Sects accept the average Muslims have no Right to persue Islam on Their Own
I'm not a scholar or anything, just a plain old Muslim, but this is what I have learned from my elders, and this is what I just told my fellow brother who saw this video. Follow Quran and ahadith, but don;t try to interpret them. Go to the Ulama (scholars) for help on that. But following Quran and Ahadith is a big YES.The Quran is the basis, the base of our deeds. The hadith is the guidelines. We follow the sahih ahadith because they have a reliable chain of narrators. We follow the ahadith because they're the words and actions of our beloved Prophet PBUH who never told a lie.  Source

Sects Accept their God is not powerful
I honestly don't understand what is so hard for hadithers to understand about this. Using hadither logic God can't be all-powerful if he can't even write a book that can't be understood without man-made sources. Jews and Christians seem to have the same problems, relying too much on external texts rather than the direct source(I know of a Karaite Jew, he has the exact same concerns I do, but about Judaism). So yea, simple logic: If God is all-powerful then he can write a book that can be understood by all of humanity.  source

 If you claim to be a Muslim but refuse to accept...

that raping prisoners of war is not acceptable
that marrying of girls as young as nine is wrong and depraved
that killing so called sorcerers is wrong
that killing blasphemers is wrong
that killing adulterers by pelting them with stones is cruel and barbaric

...then you may find yourself being accused of apostasy by the Traditionalist Muslim majority.. a crime which in itself is deemed worthy of death in the world they inhabit". source

Why Reject Hadiths?

This list probably will not end easily.

1.We are told to not mix truth with falsehood in the religion.

 "And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know."2:42
What are hadiths made up of? According to sectarians, a mix of falsehood and truth.

2. Allah makes it clear that truth is only from him. The rest coming from humans would have conjecture misleading us.
"And the word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice. None can alter His words, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing. And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying." 6:115-116

Now ask yourself what hadiths are.